Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flower solutions

Finally, it is starting to look like spring. It is a little bit of light at the end of a long tunnel...and it gives me hope. And spring makes me think of flowers and flowers make me think of flower remedies and flower remedies make me think of Bach. Ahhh...Bach. See how my mind works? Anyway....many people use Bach Flower Remedies in their everyday lives. I am one of these people. Never heard of them? Go to and read up about them. They are readily available at health food stores...and I gotta tell ya..they really work. I use Rescue Remedy pretty often. If I am feeling anxious about something I will have a few drops of it. I also use Rescue Sleep..which is a spray that I keep on the nightstand and when I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind starts to mull over every stupid thing in life that I should be worrying about but don't really feel like worrying about because I want to sleep, I spray a bit in my mouth and I fall back asleep. I swear it works. I also use Impatiens sometimes. I used to use this in my old job a lot. I like what it says on the bottle: "helps you deal with slow situations or people with good humor rather than impatience or irritability." Now if there is one thing in life that I's that!

So check them out. Anything that helps us decrease the nervous tension in our daily lives just has to be good, right?

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