Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rough morning?

You know how sometimes you sleep too much and you wake up with a sore neck and feeling really groggy? Well, here is the solution for that: hang upside down. Now anyone that has practiced yoga to any extent has tried a headstand. But I never liked to do a headstand where I put pressure on my neck. If you knew my neck you'd understand why. So what I do is get two matching chairs and put them face to face, so to speak...like in the picture. Then lean down facing the wall and put your head in between the chairs, resting your shoulders on the chairs, then push your hips up against the wall (your legs will follow) and voila you are doing a headstand that puts no pressure on your neck. Make sure you are as straight as you can be and if anything hurts, get down! Let your head just hang a few minutes, then come down in a controlled way. Believe me if I can do this anyone can. Really. Not only will this act as a gentle (and free) spinal adjustment, but it gets your blood moving (backwards at that!) and that helps your energy level and grogginess. That's my free tip for the day. Hope you like it!

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