Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My dream

You know what I hope? I hope that through all this silliness about whether we should have government or private run health care, or whether our current administration is going about the health care bill keeping the constitution in mind, that we (the people) focus on how to STAY healthy instead of focusing on what the heck are we gonna do if we get sick. Now, of course, I know that we are all gonna die of something. And we probably will not see that coming (I hope), but I do believe that we can be doing more individually to stay healthy and feel better.

Everyone knows that emotional blocks can lead to physical ailments and disease, right? There are several ways to let that old emotional baggage go...and different things work for different people. There is plain old exercise, vacations, meditation, and so on. One of the best ways, that is, by the way super relaxing, is Reiki. Reiki is amazing at helping your body unblock what is blocked. The main thing that it does is help your body go into a parasympathetic state as opposed to the almost constant sympathetic state. Remember the "flight or fight" and "rest and digest" that we learned about the autonomic nervous system in, like the 8th grade? Well, remember back that to be in "flight or fight" all the time equals....STRESS! That stress keeps things blocked. Reiki is a great treatment for anyone, especially those that are stressed out or having trouble sleeping. Really, it is beneficial for anyone.

So, next time you feel like screaming about the health care fight...maybe you should try some Reiki! Now that's being proactive for sure!

Take care! Breathe!


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