Friday, April 2, 2010


I woke up this morning to a beautiful spring day. NOT. It was snowing..pretty hard. And, I'll admit it..I cussed..out loud. I am sick of needs to be sunny....I don't feel like driving in the snow today....this is so could the Gods do this to me today? Whaaaa whaaaa whaaaaa, poor me. Then I saw my two little kitties (Pancho and Lefty) standing at the sliding glass door wanting to go out in this mess. So, I opened the door (because that is pretty much all I am good for around this place) and let them out. They immediately started jumping and chasing snowflakes. Now, seriously, how cute is that? And then Pancho was running and sliding in the snow on the deck (you know like kids will do in their socks on the hardwood floors?) And I wasn't mad at the weather anymore. And I thought....who needs anti-depressants....really...just have pets around you. Because they make you laugh when you think the world is out to get you.

Now I am gonna go watch Martha. I never realized how much of a control freak b*&$# she is. And that makes me like her a lot more!

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