Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the root of it all

I read somewhere yesterday that it is colon cancer awareness month. Well, let's make that even simpler and just call it colon awareness month. I love talking about the colon. Anyone that knows me knows this to be true. They say that all disease starts in the colon and that makes sense to me. Therefore, it must be very important to take good care of it and by taking good care of it I mean cleaning it out. Oh yeah. If you have never had a colon cleanse (or some call it a high colonic) you are really missing out. Stuff comes out of there that I am positive you do not want inside your body. Once you get past the "gross factor" it really is interesting.One time I lost six lbs in one day. Gotta love that. And I felt great!

Some people just cannot imagine going to a professional for this very personal thing. And I guess I can respect that. But remember that they are professionals and will make it comfortable for you in every way possible. However, if you just can't do it then there are several cleanses that you can do in the privacy of your own home. Research it and find one that does not use any chemicals and you will be better off for it. Then, once you have gotten rid of...oh so much..then you need to keep it flowing so to speak. Psyllium fiber is a must. You can find this in a variety of natural food stores, even Kirkland has a good product. If you do get backed up you can always drink aloe juice...which works wonders and is good for you in many ways. Also, if you drink chloroxygen in your water (couple of posts back) this will not be a stinky process at all!

Your colon is your friend, people. And like your friends, it wants your attention.

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