Monday, March 8, 2010


So, I am 48 today. Yeah for me. When I say the number out loud it sounds bad. But I don't feel bad. Of course all my friends and family were telling me that I don't look anywhere near my real age, which, of course is just them being nice. But really, I feel the same as I have always felt. Except for being a little stiffer in the mornings when I wake up, I feel energetic and, well....good. Why is that? I am not in triathlon shape (or anywhere near that) and I am packing around a few extra lbs (just in case I get stuck somewhere without any food). I don't take any drugs and I like to exercise moderatly. I take glucosamine for my joints which, I think, helps. I put cholorphyll in my water too. I use Chloroxygen (that is the brand name) which helps build red blood cells and increases the amount of oxygen available to your cells. Check out a more thorough explanation at . I believe it increases my energy level, it is good for my liver and it is a natural deodorizer. That is what I do, not to live longer, but to feel good while I am here. That is what I am interested in.
The one thing I wish I had an easy solution for is Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream cake. I just ate the leftover piece that my family brought over yesterday. So that makes two days in a row that I had some of the most decadent, fattening ice cream cake ever. Coffee Toffee. OMG....not sure the chloroxygen can fix that!


  1. I need to know more about this chloroxygen stuff. I have smaller than normal red blood cells, and not enough of them. I am anemic. It sucks. I never feel right. I never have any energy. Most of the time when I walk to my car or across campus, I wheeze. I'm the fat guy that wheezes. I hate it. Thoughts?
