Wednesday, March 3, 2010

first common sense solution

So, the idea of this blog, besides giving me a place to vent, is to share things that have worked for me. I do not profess to know anything, really. I am not a doctor or a psychologist or any of that...blah blah blah. But I, like you, have had "issues" in my life that I have tried to deal with in the most common sensical (is that a word) and natural way possible. I really don't believe in going to the doctor and getting drugs for every little thing..and I think it is sick that the commercialism of drugs is so HUGE.

And times are tough. Times are really tough. Believe me, had I known that the economy was going to tank so badly I probably would not have quit my job and tried to start a small business. But that is talk for another day. In these tough times I think it is important to share cheap (or free) ideas to help people cope and just feel better! It's not rocket science. So I will start with the easiest thing ever. If you are feeling down, low, depressed, icky.....get up, put your shoes on and go for a walk. Preferably somewhere where there are no cars that can run you over. Try to go somewhere where you can hear yourself think. And leave the ipod at home. Just walk and be quiet. Take your dog if you have one. I guarantee you will feel more optimistic. After my husband died I would sit in my house and it felt like I could not move, I was empty. But I would make myself just walk out the door. And walk. And it ALWAYS made me feel better. I recently talked to a friend of mine who also lost her husband (just a year ago) and she walks about 50 miles a week. Wow...she is an over achiever. But I bet she would tell you that it keeps her from being completely and utterly depressed. So go for a walk. That is my simple suggestion of the day.

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