Friday, March 19, 2010


I was working on my friend last night (doing Reiki) and she said that when she reads my blog she "can't take it seriously." I started laughing. I told her that she isn't supposed to. Now, for sure, I know a lot of stuff, like I said in my first blog, I am not denying that. I think it is useful stuff, others would think it is completely useless and is taking up valuable space in my brain. Both are correct. One thing that I love about life is that it is basically just material (or fodder as my old lawyer friend used to say) for a good laugh. You know how they have "blue zones" where people tend to live longer than the norm? There are six main things that they all have in common: They put family first, they don't smoke, they rely mostly on a plant-based diet, they are physically active, they engage with people socially and they eat legumes. So, two of and social engagement probably means they laugh. I know I laugh at my family and friends constantly and they laugh at me. So, what is my point? I don't know. I guess it is that health and wellness subjects do not have to be so serious. Drink wine with your family and friends and laugh at them. And you will live longer!

Oh, and this same friend is the person who inspired me to put taller legs on my couch so it is easier to get up. Most furniture is made for short people. This means that when you get up off the couch you feel like a fat, out of shape loser. Just raise the couch to a more normal height for you and, are not a fat loser anymore! I did not know that you can buy replacement legs for your furniture at Lowe's or Home Depot and just screw them on (well, in all fairness and because he will probably read this, I had my boyfriend do it)and it was easy! Just another perfect (?) solution for an imperfect world!

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