Monday, May 31, 2010

I don't get it

This is what I don't get. Maybe someone out there can help me understand. The thing is that massage therapists in this area are struggling. Even the ones who have been around forever are struggling. Part of that is the economy, I understand that much. People feel like massage is a luxury, not an investment in their health, and I do understand that if you have to choose between food or heat and massage, you are probably going to choose the former options. I get it. But here's the weird part.... a franchise massage operation (you know who you are) comes to town and they are packed! What? How is this happening? Of course they are offering a pretty decent deal for a first massage, but so have all of us massage therapists. I mean everyone is offering a sweet deal...and the prices are all in the same ballpark. Of course, the franchise has endless money to spend on that is definitely a factor. But it's more than that. Now here's the confession part of the blog: I just started working at said franchise. There I said it. But, you know, I need food and heat and massage too. So I go to work part-time there and I am busy! Like right away! They just opened! It's as if people actually trust a franchise more than a small time operator. It's as if they feel more secure going to a strip mall than a cute little day spa where the deer are laying peacefully in the yard. It's as if people want the anonymity that a walk-in place like this affords. Maybe people don't want to have to get to know their massage therapist. Is that it? Do people feel safer going to a McDonald's than a mom and pop diner? I am starting to think so.

Now, really, I don't have a problem with franchises, per se. It's a business like any other. The owners work hard, they employ people, they have a good product to sell, they have longer hours and a receptionist that answers the phone...all good things. But the thing I do have a problem with is that we usually expect that the product will be OK. Not great, but OK. And we all seem to be fine with that. At least it's consistent, I guess. Is that what we are more comfortable with....consistency over all else? When did this happen in our society? Is it like this everywhere? Is small business dead in this country?

I don't know what the solution to this is. Maybe we don't even need one. But I know I am going to think about it when I have a choice to make about where I spend my money. I was going to get an eye exam at Costco because I heard they are cheap (and I love Costco, really I do) but I decided to try the local guy who has been in business here a long time. I am sure he is struggling in these hard times. And I am going to hope for greatness.

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