Monday, May 17, 2010

Plan B

I was supposed to fly to San Francisco this weekend and partake in the spectacle that is Bay to Breakers. And, of course see my good friends. But, alas, plans fell apart when my dog's food, water and slobber wouldn't stay in his mouth. Solution for this? Take him to the vet, of course. But the cheap vet..not the ones that have been embezzling my money for the last 20 years. (I learn quick). Diagnosis: "Not sure. Something is wrong with his jaw." Keep him quiet and feed soft food. Oops, that means family is no longer an option to this weekend's dog sitting.
And my solution to cover up my disappointment? Work in the yard like a serf. All weekend. Luckily the weather was nice and it rained a little to help the new little plants be happy. I weeded, and mowed and planted and weeded and dug and weeded. I also hauled many pounds of rocks to fill in my rock garden that needs to be more rock and less garden. And the solution for when you drop a big rock in the road? Hope that your neighbor thinks you are not that bad of a person, overall, and helps you roll it to where it needs to be. I am kinda sore all over...but it feels good and helps divert my focus on the fact that I am not partying with my friends and seeing naked gay people run for 7 miles.

I also took a break and went to my niece's horse show for a little while. She is Really. Into. Riding. Horses. At least she was. Not sure if she will continue the love affair after this weekend. Her solution to her horse trying to buck her off? Jump. And call your aunt to schedule a massage. Brilliant.

Also my stand-by solution for almost everything: have a couple drinks. Do I really need to explain that one?

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