Monday, May 24, 2010

It's my fault

So far this spring does not support the theory of global warming. It has been the slowest, coldest spring in a long time. I always have peonies blooming by May 13...this year they are not even close to opening. I'm pretty sure this is all my fault. You see, after the one nice weekend we had a couple weeks ago, I went ahead and put regular sheets on my bed and put the flannel ones away. I know, I know....I was arrogant and ridiculously optimistic. And now we are all paying. I also admit that I planted herbs before the snow is off Black Butte. I know was wrong and I am sorry. But I, too, have had to pay the price for that.....covering up the plants every night and shivering in my bed.

Now, having taken responsibility for my irresponsibility, I want to move onto another topic. Antibiotics and your digestive system. I will make this brief. You all know, don't you, that after you have taken antibiotics for whatever infection you have contracted, that you have to put back the good bacteria into your system with probiotics. If this is news to you, than listen up. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria inside of you. They don't distinguish between the good and the bad, they just kill randomly. That means you have to be proactive with probiotics. Now any decent yogurt has these "friendly" bacteria...but usually you have to eat a lot of yogurt before will replace enough bacteria to be beneficial. Yogurt is good as an everyday wellness food, but after you have taken antibiotics you should get the heavy duty stuff. Any health food store has a selection of probiotics. I have found that the type that comes in liquid form and has to be refrigerated is the best. It comes in strawberry or blueberry flavors and tastes like strong, liquid yogurt. Believe me...this will help your digestive system immensely. And you know how much I care about your bowels!


  1. It's also good to have a nice set of chairs and a table. For example, like the set your sister bought at our garage sale on Saturday.

  2. I saw that she bought your table. Pretty funny! I'm sad that you are leaving town.
