Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Well, I tried

If you read my blog from yesterday you know that I tried to give my business to a small, local guy yesterday instead of going to the huge box store. Well, I give my experience a D-. They didn't totally fail, but they came pretty close.

So I show up for my eye appointment on time, like I always do. I chatted with the owner for a few minutes who I have known casually for many years. He remembered me and we had a nice conversation. Then he asked if I was going to be buying new frames today. I told him no, today was just going to be for the eye exam, and that I would have to buy glasses later. He asked "why don't you just get it done all at once." Well, I was hoping that he would tell me what kind of deals they have going on now...but he didn't. So I told him that I can't afford to do both right now, (which I wanted to say, "thanks for embarassing me and making me admit it.") This is partially true. The other truth is that I am looking for a good deal on glasses. I am pretty sure that doesn't make me a bad person. So, as soon as he realized that I wasn't going to order glasses right now, he was done with me. Exit owner.

By this time 20 minutes have gone by and I have not been rescued from the waiting room yet. So I asked the none-too-friendly receptionist if I was going to be sitting there much longer. She said. "I hope not." You hope not? Really? OK, so I am officially getting pissed now. A couple minutes later, in saunters the "Doctor." He's a young, skinny guy who thinks he is "all that!" Instantly I am not impressed. He calls me to the back and starts the exam. I try to tell him that my needs for glasses has changed. I get about four words out of my mouth before he goes off on some stupid explanation about I'm not sure what. Thanks for listening, Doc. I calmly wait him out with that expression on my face that tells people I am so not impressed with you...(those of you who know me know this face well) then I persist with my "needs talk." He sort of listens but will not make eye contact with me. Not one time! He is an eye doctor! Isn't that his look me in the eye? I was almost cracking up with the irony of it all. Anyway, whatever...he goes on blah blah blah that whoever issued my last glasses was all wrong and that they are too much correction for my eyes, blah blah blah. I said, "maybe my eyes got better?" He did concede that that is possible. Vindicated! We decide on my prescription and I go up front to pay. I pay in cash money and ask the receptionist who must have a very bad life where my prescription is.(I have decided that I will not be coming back here...I will take the prescription THAT I JUST PAID FOR and buy glasses elsewhere. Maybe Costco.) The receptionist says that I have to ask for that. What? Since when? She too pleasantly says I can have a seat and wait for it or come back. Final straw. I express my displeasure at that and tell her I have always gotten the little piece of paper when I get my eyes checked. She says again, "you have to ask for that." I told her that, obviously, I did not know that, and I will be back in a few minutes to get it. Thanks for the added errand,lady.
Maybe that is the reason people are going to franchises and big businesses. They don't want to have to deal with the tacky guilt trip laid at their feet from the small businesses who have had to struggle in these economic times. I, for one, am not the reason for the bad economy. I think I might be responsible for global warming...but that is where I draw the line!

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