Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Crazy Time"

Hey, did anyone else notice how windy it was yesterday? Which got me thinking...why does everyone hate the wind? There's a few things that the wind does that comes in handy. For instance....you don't have to blow dry your hair..and you get that messy, bed head thing going on. And if you mow the lawn, like I did, you will notice that you don't have to sweep the patio afterwards..the wind just made those grass clippings disappear. So, those are good things, right? But why do we all just dread the wind? I guess it's because it makes us feel untethered. It's hard to feel grounded when it's windy. But if you try, you can remedy that. Just stand still for a minute and concentrate on your feet and visualize them sinking down into the earth. A visualization that I use is to see yourself at the beach in the wet sand. You know how the tide goes out and you feel a pull downward? Well, that's a good way to "get grounded." And it works in any situation where you don't feel centered or in complete control.
My acupuncturist refers to these windy spring days as "crazy time." The wind makes us nutty. Something about positive ions and all that. Ever work with little kids on a windy day and you will want to go home and drink a bottle of vodka. Believe me. So, we stay indoors and avoid the wind instead of trying to fight it. And fight it is exactly what I think we do. So, I went outside for a walk and stopped fighting it. I just stood there and let the wind blow through me. And it felt really cleansing. Who was it that used to take "Air baths?"...Benjamin Franklin I think. The wind can really clear things out. Bikers always talk about "being in the wind" and a nice ride on a motorcycle in 70 mph winds does clear out the cobwebs!
After you let the wind clean you out..then it is important to reground yourself, especially if you are still feeling untethered. Eat root vegetables (a sweet potato always works for me) and warming liquids. And take down the wind chimes. God, those things drive me crazy when it's super windy out!

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