Monday, June 14, 2010

When life gives you lemons.....

When you get a text from your niece one evening saying, "Can I come over tomorrow?" DO NOT PANIC. Don't automatically start running through the questions, "What am I gonna do with an 11 year old all day? How early in the morning is she gonna be here? When is she gonna leave? Do I have any string cheese?" Instead, embrace the gift of a kid for the day and put that kid to work! The only question you should have is, "do child labor laws apply in this situation?"

So my niece and I built a porch swing (yes, some assembly required.) And things were going pretty well, until we discovered that there was a right and left piece and of course we put those pieces on backwards. That's when the swearing started. That kid will never have to ask what a bad word means. She knows them all. (I am a very bad aunt.) After I calmed down...she just looked at me and said, "I'm not undoing all of that." But we took a break and had some lunch and then we did just that. And hey, it went a lot smoother the second time!

And the swing is the most comfortable, restorative place to sit and contemplate all the things in your life that hit a glitch, but still work out. It's also a pretty inexpensive way to bring some shade to your patio. The dog moved in under it right away.

Thanks, are a rock star...and good job with the rubber mallet!

1 comment:

  1. Good job that you didn't have to use the rubber mallet on your niece. You rock! (Seriously, great job to both of you. Time to rest and enjoy the shade. Pass the lemonade.)
