Monday, May 31, 2010

I don't get it

This is what I don't get. Maybe someone out there can help me understand. The thing is that massage therapists in this area are struggling. Even the ones who have been around forever are struggling. Part of that is the economy, I understand that much. People feel like massage is a luxury, not an investment in their health, and I do understand that if you have to choose between food or heat and massage, you are probably going to choose the former options. I get it. But here's the weird part.... a franchise massage operation (you know who you are) comes to town and they are packed! What? How is this happening? Of course they are offering a pretty decent deal for a first massage, but so have all of us massage therapists. I mean everyone is offering a sweet deal...and the prices are all in the same ballpark. Of course, the franchise has endless money to spend on that is definitely a factor. But it's more than that. Now here's the confession part of the blog: I just started working at said franchise. There I said it. But, you know, I need food and heat and massage too. So I go to work part-time there and I am busy! Like right away! They just opened! It's as if people actually trust a franchise more than a small time operator. It's as if they feel more secure going to a strip mall than a cute little day spa where the deer are laying peacefully in the yard. It's as if people want the anonymity that a walk-in place like this affords. Maybe people don't want to have to get to know their massage therapist. Is that it? Do people feel safer going to a McDonald's than a mom and pop diner? I am starting to think so.

Now, really, I don't have a problem with franchises, per se. It's a business like any other. The owners work hard, they employ people, they have a good product to sell, they have longer hours and a receptionist that answers the phone...all good things. But the thing I do have a problem with is that we usually expect that the product will be OK. Not great, but OK. And we all seem to be fine with that. At least it's consistent, I guess. Is that what we are more comfortable with....consistency over all else? When did this happen in our society? Is it like this everywhere? Is small business dead in this country?

I don't know what the solution to this is. Maybe we don't even need one. But I know I am going to think about it when I have a choice to make about where I spend my money. I was going to get an eye exam at Costco because I heard they are cheap (and I love Costco, really I do) but I decided to try the local guy who has been in business here a long time. I am sure he is struggling in these hard times. And I am going to hope for greatness.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's my fault

So far this spring does not support the theory of global warming. It has been the slowest, coldest spring in a long time. I always have peonies blooming by May 13...this year they are not even close to opening. I'm pretty sure this is all my fault. You see, after the one nice weekend we had a couple weeks ago, I went ahead and put regular sheets on my bed and put the flannel ones away. I know, I know....I was arrogant and ridiculously optimistic. And now we are all paying. I also admit that I planted herbs before the snow is off Black Butte. I know was wrong and I am sorry. But I, too, have had to pay the price for that.....covering up the plants every night and shivering in my bed.

Now, having taken responsibility for my irresponsibility, I want to move onto another topic. Antibiotics and your digestive system. I will make this brief. You all know, don't you, that after you have taken antibiotics for whatever infection you have contracted, that you have to put back the good bacteria into your system with probiotics. If this is news to you, than listen up. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria inside of you. They don't distinguish between the good and the bad, they just kill randomly. That means you have to be proactive with probiotics. Now any decent yogurt has these "friendly" bacteria...but usually you have to eat a lot of yogurt before will replace enough bacteria to be beneficial. Yogurt is good as an everyday wellness food, but after you have taken antibiotics you should get the heavy duty stuff. Any health food store has a selection of probiotics. I have found that the type that comes in liquid form and has to be refrigerated is the best. It comes in strawberry or blueberry flavors and tastes like strong, liquid yogurt. Believe me...this will help your digestive system immensely. And you know how much I care about your bowels!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Plan B

I was supposed to fly to San Francisco this weekend and partake in the spectacle that is Bay to Breakers. And, of course see my good friends. But, alas, plans fell apart when my dog's food, water and slobber wouldn't stay in his mouth. Solution for this? Take him to the vet, of course. But the cheap vet..not the ones that have been embezzling my money for the last 20 years. (I learn quick). Diagnosis: "Not sure. Something is wrong with his jaw." Keep him quiet and feed soft food. Oops, that means family is no longer an option to this weekend's dog sitting.
And my solution to cover up my disappointment? Work in the yard like a serf. All weekend. Luckily the weather was nice and it rained a little to help the new little plants be happy. I weeded, and mowed and planted and weeded and dug and weeded. I also hauled many pounds of rocks to fill in my rock garden that needs to be more rock and less garden. And the solution for when you drop a big rock in the road? Hope that your neighbor thinks you are not that bad of a person, overall, and helps you roll it to where it needs to be. I am kinda sore all over...but it feels good and helps divert my focus on the fact that I am not partying with my friends and seeing naked gay people run for 7 miles.

I also took a break and went to my niece's horse show for a little while. She is Really. Into. Riding. Horses. At least she was. Not sure if she will continue the love affair after this weekend. Her solution to her horse trying to buck her off? Jump. And call your aunt to schedule a massage. Brilliant.

Also my stand-by solution for almost everything: have a couple drinks. Do I really need to explain that one?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whose solution is this anyway?

You know how you think you have a perfect solution for a problem and it turns out to be a perfect solution for someone else? No? Well, here is an example: The underside of my couch had a tear in it so I decided to take a dish towel and place it over the tear and staple it to the wood framework of the couch. This was a great solution for this problem. Or so I thought. Well, it turns out that my kitty, (not so little anymore) Pancho, decided that this "solution" of mine would make a sweet hammock. So he wormed his way into the space between the dish towel and the couch and, voila, a great place to unwind after a long day of, well, doing nothing, really. I have attached a picture for you so you would not think I made this up. I would not lie about a thing like this.

I tell you this story at the risk of appearing to be a crazy cat lady. Am I a crazy cat lady? Well, I am sort of crazy sometimes and I do have two cats but no one has ever accused me of being a "lady" so I think I am ok.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Crazy Time"

Hey, did anyone else notice how windy it was yesterday? Which got me thinking...why does everyone hate the wind? There's a few things that the wind does that comes in handy. For don't have to blow dry your hair..and you get that messy, bed head thing going on. And if you mow the lawn, like I did, you will notice that you don't have to sweep the patio afterwards..the wind just made those grass clippings disappear. So, those are good things, right? But why do we all just dread the wind? I guess it's because it makes us feel untethered. It's hard to feel grounded when it's windy. But if you try, you can remedy that. Just stand still for a minute and concentrate on your feet and visualize them sinking down into the earth. A visualization that I use is to see yourself at the beach in the wet sand. You know how the tide goes out and you feel a pull downward? Well, that's a good way to "get grounded." And it works in any situation where you don't feel centered or in complete control.
My acupuncturist refers to these windy spring days as "crazy time." The wind makes us nutty. Something about positive ions and all that. Ever work with little kids on a windy day and you will want to go home and drink a bottle of vodka. Believe me. So, we stay indoors and avoid the wind instead of trying to fight it. And fight it is exactly what I think we do. So, I went outside for a walk and stopped fighting it. I just stood there and let the wind blow through me. And it felt really cleansing. Who was it that used to take "Air baths?"...Benjamin Franklin I think. The wind can really clear things out. Bikers always talk about "being in the wind" and a nice ride on a motorcycle in 70 mph winds does clear out the cobwebs!
After you let the wind clean you out..then it is important to reground yourself, especially if you are still feeling untethered. Eat root vegetables (a sweet potato always works for me) and warming liquids. And take down the wind chimes. God, those things drive me crazy when it's super windy out!