Friday, April 23, 2010

The mighty have fallen

To all my loyal followers who log on everyday to read the wisdom I bestow, I apologize for not being there for you. Seriously, both of you...I am sorry. I was sick. Just when I think my immune system is bullet-proof, God laughs and says, "I don't think so, sugar," and slaps me down. Seriously, I could not move on Wednesday. EVERYTHING on me hurt. Then yesterday my mom brought me soup and Popsicles and that helped me turn the corner. I know, I know....I need to not get arrogant other-wise you-know-who will put the slap-down on me again. So, since this is a blog about solutions, I will share what things I do to help my immune system stay strong. Not impenetrable, but strong.

Echinacea. The tincture. I think this stuff works really well. The Neti pot thing that cleans out your sinuses with saline can really cut down on a virus going to infection. Of course, I already told you about the Vivasan orange and lemon essential oils that are food grade. I take a few drops of them everyday and I think they help me stay vertical. Good ol' chicken soup, Popsicles to help throat swelling and make you feel like everything is gonna be OK.

And here are a couple of funny little things that I noticed yesterday. I was feeling a little better and since the sun was out, I decided to go outside. Now, for us here in Oregon, spring is a precious thing and when the sun comes out, and it's not too go outside if at all possible. So I went outside, even though I had a splitting headache that made me sensitive to light. I sat in the chair up against the house to drink it in...and it hurt, it hurt bad for a few minutes. But I closed my eyes and thought this mantra, "let in the healing light, let in the healing light..." and after a few minutes I started to feel better. So I sat there and I noticed how noisy my little neighborhood is. I had a guy doing some long overdue repairs on my old he had a circular saw going. And my neighbor in the back was using his riding lawnmower from 1970 on his teeny little lawn, (I seriously worried that that blade was gonna come frisbeeing over the fence.) And my other neighbor, who never does anything on his property, was clanging re bar around (probably because he knew somehow that I had a tremendous headache.) And there was another noise that I could not identify because I didn't feel like getting up to investigate. I also noticed that my dog was bored out of his mind, but he knew I wasn't feeling well, so he stayed close and loyal. My cats, however, did not give a rip. And the other thing is that I had two very real dreams. One, quite frankly, was disturbing. The other was about my dad. And in the dream he was just like he was in life. It was a nice visit. Trippy.

I think the biggest thing we have to do when God puts the slap-down on us is that we go with it. Don't deny it.....acknowledge it and, as with people, when you truly listen and acknowledge them, they feel better and they go away.

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