Friday, February 18, 2011

I found it!!!

What did I find, you ask? Gold? No. My white bra? I found that a couple days ago, remember? My virginity? No, it's still lost. I found true happiness, that's what I found! Now for many, true happiness can be found gazing into a lover's eyes, or on top of a mountain, or after hours of sitting uncomfortably meditating, or halfway through running a marathon. For me, true happiness wasn't that far away or that hard to attain. For me it was a simple phone call to the cable company. The conversation went something like this. Me: "I can't live like this anymore." Cable company employee: "What do you mean, ma'am?" Me: "I need DVR." Cable company employee: "I understand completely." And poof, a few days later I am sitting in the comfort of my own living room skipping through the commercials. That is true happiness right there. To be more specific, not having to listen to the drug ads. They make me insane. Wait, there's a pill for that! UGH.

Now I have to tell you that this is not my first time with the DVR. I did have it back in the day when I was cool, when I had a real job and money to blow. I loved it then, but when I came back from my adventure in Reno, I went with the "just the basics." And having been without for about 2 years has given me much more appreciation for the simple things in life. I can't even tell you how downright giddy I felt when I could fast forward through the commercials. This is truly a sign of a civilized world...and I just couldn't not be a part of that anymore. So, I'm back, baby!

So, if something's got you down, like Valentine's day (true evil, that day) or the weather or just the ENTIRE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, do something nice for yourself. It can be something just as simple as what I have done. Love yourself. You will appreciate it!

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