Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The status of my heart

Well...so far my blood pressure has gone from about 130/89 (with some fluctuation of course) to 113/82... consistently. That's pretty good. I have been practicing the breathing that HeartMath recommends to (eventually) get to "coherence." Right now I am just focusing on getting to "neutral." They use the term neutral in relation to a standard shift car...as in you have to get to neutral before you put it into gear. For some reason I like that...as if you are getting your heart in position to be open for whatever possibilities are out there. HeartMath is a whole program with a workbook and everything and you have a consultant or provider who helps you through the process. I have only just started, but I am so impressed with the results already. I started focusing on my heart and then focused on breathing through my heart. You do this for a few minutes everyday. Within one day I felt the block in my heart chakra clear. I don't know how to explain this.. I am a Reiki practitioner so I have some experience here and I just feel it. I felt calmer and more in control and well, just better.

I have never been one to sit and meditate. I feel like I clear my mind better when I am moving around...like going for a walk or when I am working sometimes. But the result when you are doing the breathing exercises is much the same. When you are focusing on your breath you are not thinking about anything else. If your mind drifts..then the little machine that you have attached to your earlobe busts you. It's ok...it just gently reminds you to sharpen your focus...and get back to "neutral." It's so simple, it's crazy!

For some reason, the "add a link" thing doesn't work...so here is the address: www.heartmath.com if you want to get more information. I hate it when things don't work!

So, more later.

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