Monday, July 5, 2010

Wait, what?

So, let me make sure I have this straight. Al Gore (allegedly) acts like a perv to a massage therapist and instead of believing that this is a possibility, the press throws all massage therapists under the bus. Are you kidding me? So typical.

I just caught up with the recent comments on The View (a show that sounds exactly like nails on a chalkboard to me) and was saddened that the one conservative on the show is the guilty one this time. Which leads me back to my blog of a couple weeks ago about massage and my disgust over men having this ignorant attitude. I guess women are guilty of it as well. So, move over men and make room for the ladies. I stand corrected. Ignorance knows no gender.

That's fine, whatever. I will feel so much better once what's-her-face from Survivor has to make a public apology because she insulted a whole profession. That will make everything right. Actually, that is the one time I sorta like the show is when one of them has to make a "sincere apology" on the air. Now that's entertainment!

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