Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Life is Good...enough

I sort of like the logo that is on T-shirts and hats and spare tire covers.. Life is Good. They are cute...there is usually a dog involved. But really it should just say, Life is Good Enough. Because sometimes life isn't that good...but it's good enough. Do we really have to go around acting so damn happy all the time? It's not normal.

For instance, I just turned 50. This is not particularly good news...but it's not the worst news ever, either. I could be 60. But the bitter pill of turning 50 was washed down with some good friends and vodka. The fact remains that the pill still was bitter, but I didn't really taste it going down. And that is good enough.

I'm still not overly happy about this age thing, but I am happy that I have some of the most awesome friends of all time. This includes some people that are actually related to me..but I'm putting them in the friend category for this. They took me to Nashville for my birthday. Nashville is the new Vegas as far as we are concerned. Cheaper, less hype, much less walking and way more hot guys who sing country songs to you. What's not to like about that? If you like country should totally go there. If you don't, do not go...they have speakers on every street corner playing country tunes all the time. And every bar (and there are plenty of them) has live music playing around the clock. Really good, really talented musicians who are playing for tips. They are working their butts off trying to be somebody!

I do try to dwell on the positive and not the negative. This is a good example of that. I have been on the Earth for a pretty long time......sure....but In that time I have acquired a lot of really good, funny, smart and generous friends!!! Which reminds me....where are we going for my 60th??

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