Sunday, February 12, 2012

A super hero for today

My favorite character is back for his new season on the Science Channel. That's right, Karl Pilkington. He's the funniest man (bloke) on TV. I seriously want this guy to be my new boyfriend because he makes me laugh more than anyone has in a while. Certainly, you have all watched An Idiot Abroad?? (I've written about it before.) Well now his new season is subtitled The Bucket List. The producers of the show come clean that it is not in fact Karl's bucket list....not sure what would be on his bucket list except to sit quietly somewhere with some potato chips (crisps) and have no one bother him. (Just that image alone makes me love the man.) Anyway, as much as I would love to tell you every funny thing that he says (I really would love that) I think that you might get bored...and honestly you should just tune into the show and hear it straight from his beautiful lips.... I do want to tell you about something that he said that resonated with me very much.

So Karl is on the Trans-Siberian train with a Russian guy who is magnetic. I mean that objects stick to him, like he is a human magnet. So Karl thinks this is not the most handy power to have and the camera man asks, "Well, what super powers would you want to have, then?" And Karl came up with the best answer of all. He would be "Bulls*** Man." He would wear regular clothing, no cape or anything and would swoop down when appropriate and call "bulls***" on people. His hope being that if he calls people on their bull**** they will eventually stop it. It's as if Karl can read my mind. This is my greatest hope for mankind.

This is the kind of thing that I run into all the time and I am pretty sure Karl and I are not alone. I realize that I am a bit odd. I don't ever quite fit in with people who do what I do. When I did mediation, I didn't fit in with the soft spoken, never-say-anything-to-offend-anyone-ever crowd. Now that I do massage and Reiki I don't fit in with the peace, love and granola crowd. And I know's because I am able to spot bull**** when I hear it. Simple as that. Oh what a world (and a personal relief to me) to have Karl be Bulls*** Man so that I didn't have to do it! There have been plenty of times when I ended up being the bad guy because I called "bulls*** around people who tout the adage that we "all just need to love everybody." It's just not realistic! I'm not afraid to say it...but I inevitably get "that look" that says "oh, poor Lee...she just doesn't get it yet." And maybe I don't. But I do not see, anytime soon, a world where everyone should be trusted based on the words that come out of their mouths. I am weary of people who walk around acting like they are more evolved than the rest of us. Like they have it all figured out. No they don't! People who act like that are no better than the rest of us. And sometimes they are worse.

There's a word for people who trust everything everyone says...and that word is "sucker." Karl and I will not be suckers. Bulls*** Man to the rescue!!

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