Thursday, October 14, 2010

True genius

I love to complain everyday about how not smart people are. It's fun..and sadly, all too true. But there is one person in this country who I consider to be the smartest person in the world. I do not know this person, I don't even know their name. I am not sure if it is a man or a woman (although I have to admit I hope and pray it is a woman.) This person is a marketing genius....and there is no limit to her power. This praise goes to the person who is in charge of raising money for breast cancer research. Is it Susan G Komen? Or is that the name of a woman who died of breast cancer and they developed this foundation in her name (probably)? I looked on but could not find any information about who is behind the scenes. That may be due to my limited working knowledge of the Internet and/or my short attention span. Anyway, I sort of tried. Nothing. However, there are a ton of ways you can give them money!

You cannot get through the day without being presented an opportunity to give money to breast cancer research. I know that this month is THE MONTH for this, but you have to admit that it really is every month. It is everywhere. Let's do a brief review: if you buy yogurt, you give. If you buy soap, you give. If you eat chocolate, you give. If you go to the store they ask if you want to "round up" for breast cancer research. if you buy anything pink, you give. You can run and walk for "the cure." You can get a massage for "the cure." If you buy hard lemonade, you give. Heck, even the funny pages in Sunday's paper were in pink, with the telltale little pink ribbons printed everywhere. The marketing genius I speak of has not ever had the thought, "that's probably enough." The list of corporate sponsors on their website is really, really long. Everyone from American Airlines to Zumba Fitness is on there. Holland America is on there...Ford Motors is on well as Dansko (the best shoes ever) and Massage Envy...these are just a few that I noted. I mean this is a total all-out assault on the community. Their motto must be "leave no stone where there might be money unturned."

Now I am all in favor of eradicating breast cancer and all cancers for that matter. But I have to ask the obvious question here: if breast cancer research is bringing in so much money (and it has to be billions) what happens if they do find a cure? Won't that money stop?

Anyway, I would love to meet this person. She is a shining example of what you can do in this country!

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