Friday, October 8, 2010

The oil change scandal, part deux

Could there possibly be more to the story of my last blog entry? Well, sure. Many smart people have told me that the story doesn't make sense. (Well, two mom and my friend, Hank) and I doesn't make sense. And you know what Judge Judy says..."if it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true." Honestly, I have no problem accepting the fact that the government does all kinds of things that don't make sense...but still...there has to be more to the story. There must to be a law (whether that law makes sense or not) that the dealership was violating. I am over being mad about this. I mean really, I had a pretty good run with the free oil change deal. I am now simply curious about what the heck is going on. So I called Dick again and assured him that I was not trying to make trouble for him. I just want to know what the real story is. He told me, again, that the Attorney General told them that they are violating a marketing law and were fined and told to cease the activity immediately. He assured me (well, he told me) that it did not have anything to do with taxes. I asked him if they received any bailout money from the gov, and he said they did not. He really didn't have a good grasp on the whole thing...which could mean that his attorney handled everything, or that he is not too bright, or he is lying.

In life you have to let a lot of things go. Believe me, I know this. But sometimes you have to find out why you are getting the shaft. And I already know the reason that I am getting the shaft. Money of course. But this situation calls for details. I think I have a right to know who is sticking it to me. After all, it is personal.

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