Friday, March 5, 2010

What not to do

Sometimes a solution is not what to do to solve a problem, it's what not to do, which avoids the problem altogether and there is no need for a solution. For instance, you should not eat bacon and pancakes and red wine and then go to bed. I learned this the hard way. I won't even go into how I got myself in this situation, but it really did not seem like that bad of an idea at the time. I, and the two others with me, have learned a hard lesson. When I woke up at 3:30 this morning and drank 2 qts of water and still needed more, I realized that it was a bad idea afterall. I woke this morning at 8 with a pretty serious bacon hangover. My two friends were in the same boat and yes, they did apologize for trying to kill me. Common sense can go a long way, but life is way funnier when you talk yourself into not listening to that little voice every once in a while.
Eat right, my friends!

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