Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Perfect(?) Solutions

Perfect (?) Solutions for an imperfect world

That, among other things, is what I want to talk about. I know a lot of stuff. Really, I do. But my friends and family are sick of listening to the vast knowledge that is mine. So, I have to branch out and seek others to ignore me.

I changed careers recently from juvenile probation officer to massage therapist. I know, right? During all that I met some very interesting people. These people taught me things. Some good, some not so much. But it all helps, and hey, it's free. I will share these nuggets with you as my mood dictates. Sometimes (this is an educated guess) I will spew my opinions about what is happening in the world. Be warned. Anyway, it will be way easy for you to ignore me so I am not worried. When possible, I will credit the information that I am passing along to the person who I learned it from.

Since this is the first entry, and I am not positive it will work..I won't write too much today. Please go to my very new website if you have a mind to. I need to figure out how to increase traffic enough so that Google recognizes me!

More later, I promise!


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