Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Things I don't get

If you start saying things like, "that's what's wrong with this country!" or, "I just don't understand the young people of today," does that mean you are officially old? I think I know your answer, "YES!" And I am prepared to admit it openly. I am old. Because I find myself saying those two things a lot. The last time I said, " that's what's wrong with this country," was with my insurance lady and a gentleman of about 85. We were having a heated discussion about the unfair practices of insurance companies. I suggested that people should be allowed to purchase an accident policy.....meaning that if they get into an accident they are covered, but that's it. But, see, that'll never work because then the doctors won't have insurance money to give you all the tests they say you need so they can find something wrong with you! I also found out that a 16 year old girl who is going to high school is paying a much, much higher rate for her auto insurance than that same girl who has had a baby and dropped out of school. What?

Another time I said "that's what's wrong with this country" was the other day at part-time massage job (Yes, I work for myself..but I also work for a franchise to make ends meet.) I like this job...they get tons of clients and they mostly just let us do our jobs and then go home. It's close to perfect. But lately they have been trying to give us incentives. So, up on the board in the break room are some stats that represent how often a client re books with the therapist they just got a massage from. Yours truly was the top performer...by kind of a lot. But that's not the contest of course. The contest is who can raise that percentage of re bookings by 10%. (The prize is a free massage....a pretty good prize!) But how is that a good contest? It's a lot easier for the person who has like 2% to get up to 12% which won't even be close to half of what I am doing just because I do my best without any incentives! I mean, seriously.....that is what is wrong with our country! The folks who do a good job because they take pride in their work get nothing. The slackers wait for some carrot to be dangled in their face to get motivated. Ugh! It's everywhere and I am sick of it.

Forever I have held to the mantra that if you work hard and treat people right you will succeed in life. I have to admit that I think this view may be at the very least, naive and at the most outdated. Outdated....like me. Oh well...I'm probably too old to change.

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