Thursday, June 2, 2011

Solution sunglasses

You know how Memorial Day weekend is; everyone is just amped from being stuck indoors all winter. And for us, this has been a looooooong winter that really isn't over yet. Sigh. But, dammit, it's Memorial Day weekend and we are going camping!! So everyone is like a kid whose been fed 3 cupcakes in school and is finally released out into the playground....running, head down, arms flailing screaming at the top of their lungs. I was around many such people this weekend, some kids, mostly adults...and machinery.Uh oh. That's right, all terrain vehicles. And these people were completely fearless in their quest to see just how well these vehicles could perform under adverse conditions. There was rain, sure. There was runoff from a heavy snow year, there were swamps, there was blow down and sometimes there were even actual trails to follow. I was along for the ride...and it was all fun and games and excitement until I broke my face on the roll cage on one of them. So my solution all week is to wear sunglasses to hide the two really nice black eyes that I got as a result.

It's funny how people wanna know what happened when they see a ruined face like mine. They just cannot help themselves. I get it...I would do the same thing. But the truth is usually not as exciting a story as they hoped for. So I came up with a couple options: One is that I am dating again. ( that is funny, I don't care who you are!) Another is that I wrestled a bear or maybe a badger. (People usually don't go for this one) and of course I can always just say two words that get people nodding their heads like they've been there and those two words are "bar fight." But honestly, the truth was plenty exciting enough.

The company that I was in this weekend was superb. Absolutely the nicest people I have met in a long time. I mean really nice. Not fake nice, not sugar sweet nice where your afraid to turn your back. I mean generous and genuinely happy to meet you and would do anything for you without batting an eye. People who understand the cycle of life and who can just chalk everything up to a shrug and a "shit happens." And fearless. They know they can fix anything. And if for some reason they can't fix it, then oh well. I know a lot of people like this, I really do. But I met some new ones this weekend and it always makes me feel better about the world when I do. It re-affirms what I believe about America. Rough, tough, hard work, ingenuity, fearlessness and courage.......and bullshitting around the fire! That's what makes the world go 'round.

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