Monday, December 6, 2010

It's only business

Business is tough these days. Anyone who is trying to make a living knows just how tough it is. But even if you are one of the lucky ones that have the steady income you had 4 years ago, you are still affected by how people conduct business. Basically, what I see are two different kinds of business people. The first kind are those who are taking it personally. These people think that the economy is singling them out and keeping them from the lifestyle in which they have become accustomed. These people, as a result, are jacking up their prices to compensate for the decline in sheer numbers....I believe some call it gouging. Or if they aren't gouging they are getting downright angry with anyone who doesn't (or can't) do business with them. It's as if these people feel entitled to your business...perhaps because you have done business with them in the past. But we are all, regardless of our situation, being more careful about who we do business with. And competition is a good thing. The pricing issue is one thing. It's easy to just say, "no...can't afford that" and walk away. It's the attitude stuff that bothers me more. I really don't think it's fair to be hit in the face with your anger because your business isn't doing so well.

The second type of business person is the one who is grateful for what they have. These folks are understanding of the situation that so many people are in and doing what they can to, A)stay alive but B)giving people a break. I have to believe that this second type of person will come out of this recession in better shape. Maybe I am naive, God knows,....but maybe, just maybe those people that you treated fairly will be loyal customers when things improve. I choose to believe.

I can tell you that there are a few of category one people who will never get my business again after having to deal with their negativity. And, you know...these people should be upset by that because, although I don't have any money right now...I might have money tomorrow...and won't they be so sad! And there are more out there who share my attitude...and some of them do have money now.

I guess if I had one wish I would wish that there was more widespread spirit of generosity. I am trying to do my best with walking the talk. I am offering reasonably priced massage to everyone. And I keep offering affordable massage for those people who know how good it is for their health. I am not simply trying to lure in new customers, although, frankly, I could use some, so if you are reading this please come see me!

I have to believe that what you put out there is what you will get back. It doesn't always seem that way, but I'm not gonna give up. There are two old sayings that are either anonymous or I just don't know who to credit. "Like finds like." and "Giving opens the way for receiving." Believe!!

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