Monday, November 8, 2010

Tis the season

You know how when you are coming down with a cold, everyone offers you advice on what to do? "Eat some chicken soup," "put on wet wool socks and go to bed," "drink water from the other side of the glass," (wait that is for hiccups..never mind) Anyway, it's so annoying all this advice. So guess what? That's right, I'm gonna give you some advice. Didn't see it coming did you?

OK. Now there are times when you just get a cold or the flu. No one is immune to every strand of virus (at least I don't think so...if you are one of those people who are immune than I apologize deeply.) But you don't have to succumb to every viral strand either. You know those people who seem to get everything? Ugh, I hate that...and of course it's always a co-worker that you have to cover for. So, don't be that guy/girl. When you feel something coming on, first acknowledge that you are indeed maybe getting a bug. Do not deny it, "I am NOT getting sick, I am not getting sick..." that never works. Listen to what your body is telling you. Slow down. Decide to go to bed early. Mix yourself a little potion. Echinacea tincture, (I like the Herb Pharm brand that is available at any health food store) mixed with an emergencee and drink it down! if you have the Vivasan lemon and orange oils I have written about..add them. Then get out your neti pot (available at drug stores everywhere) and follow the directions and rinse out those sinuses! This really works! Repeat this all a couple times a day. And get some rest!! I know I have written about this all before...but, like I said..'tis the season. Also, my very wise acupuncturist says that for me, I should not take anything that adds heat for a sore throat. For me...I should try to cool it down. Personally, I like popsicles for this. You can also drink Throat Coat tea which has slippery elm in it. She wants me to stay away from ginger tea, which adds heat. There are two different kinds of sore throat. If you are a hot person, like me (I know, right?) then you probably have a hot sore throat...if you are a cold person..then ginger is probably ok for you. Do what feels right for you. just get nailed. And it's usually at the worst time. In that case...I take Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold. It works pretty well if you just have to be somewhere and not have snot pouring out of your orifices. And do the neti-pot thing. I really helps speed recovery.

Be well, my friends.

Your annoying advice giver, Lee

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