Monday, July 5, 2010

True love

As you know, I am all about solutions. There is no shortage of problems, that's for's finding a way to solve the problems (even if it is temporary) that is the trick. And it's never just your own problems that you are confronted's those of your friends. It's perpetual.
So this weekend (oh, by the way, "Happy fourf of Jujuy" as my nephew used to say when he was little) we girls set out to solve our problems. Solution for men stomping all over our hearts: hike. We hiked along one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. We saw wildflowers and vistas that made our hearts sing. And suddenly those stupid boys and their stupid lies just disappeared. And the solution for overdoing the hiking?: ibuprofen and Drunken Arnold Palmers (vodka, ice tea and lemonade.) We felt so good that we took the dogs for another walk after that magic elixir kicked in.

But the main solution here is simple. Friends. We don't always like what they have to say, we don't always agree with how they conduct their lives. We leave, we come back, we leave again but it is so worth it to make the effort because without them life is, well, not as fun. So I want to thank my friends out there who, for some reason that defies rational thought, are still my friends.

And, apparently, for many people the solution to our nation's birthday is to blow stuff up. Not sure I follow that thread of logic, but it makes for a lively time I guess.

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