Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whose solution is this anyway?

You know how you think you have a perfect solution for a problem and it turns out to be a perfect solution for someone else? No? Well, here is an example: The underside of my couch had a tear in it so I decided to take a dish towel and place it over the tear and staple it to the wood framework of the couch. This was a great solution for this problem. Or so I thought. Well, it turns out that my kitty, (not so little anymore) Pancho, decided that this "solution" of mine would make a sweet hammock. So he wormed his way into the space between the dish towel and the couch and, voila, a great place to unwind after a long day of, well, doing nothing, really. I have attached a picture for you so you would not think I made this up. I would not lie about a thing like this.

I tell you this story at the risk of appearing to be a crazy cat lady. Am I a crazy cat lady? Well, I am sort of crazy sometimes and I do have two cats but no one has ever accused me of being a "lady" so I think I am ok.

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