Thursday, April 15, 2010


Every mom has a niche, right? Some moms cook too much food and make you eat it. Some moms hover and don't let you make a decision on your own. Some moms make you wear a sweater when it's 70 degrees out. Some moms get in your business until you want to kill yourself. My mom doesn't do any of those things. My mom proofreads. It's her thing. No, she was not an english teacher...she just reads ALL THE TIME and knows if there is ONE LETTER MISSING OR OUT OF PLACE. And then lets you know about it so you can fix it immediatly if not sooner. So, mom.....for every typo, for every misspelled word, for every apostrophe or comma that was misused...I humbly ask for your forgiveness. But, wait.....maybe I am just cleverly giving you a job so you feel needed and useful in your autumn years.

Love you mom. Email me tomorrow with any mistakes and I will clear them up right away.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee,

    My mom WAS an english teacher, and I was her student one very long year. She not only critiqued and graded my writing, she despised my handwriting and graded me down for it. I do have to admit that it hasn't changed much since 4th grade, and has lost any semblance of childish charm.

    So...let's all say thanks for computers and moms who care a bit too much. :-)

