Friday, December 5, 2014


It's been a while, eh? Not sure I even remember how to type on anything but an iPad. Let's go rusty typing fingers.

OK, it's winter. And despite the extensive article I read in the paper predicting another warm winter, it has been a doozie thus far. Oh, and let's be clear that, technically, it is still fall. It has snowed a lot, and it has been really cold. Plus this week we have been blessed with my personal favorite, freezing rain. Oh, and let us not forget our ever present friend freezing fog. Did you catch the word freezing in there a couple times? For clarification, that's the opposite of warm.

So, my complaint (because you knew this was going to be a rant, didn't you?) is not for the presence of winter. Winter's winter. It cannot be judged to be wrong. That's like blaming a tiger for eating a gazelle, or whatever they eat, or a snake for being a snake or an idiot for being stupid. No, I get that winter just has to be. Seriously fine with it. What I am not fine with is this new, not surprising trend of cancelling everything when things get the teensiest bit rough. It's one thing to cancel an event when it just dumped 2 feet of snow in and hour and you can't get out of your driveway. There needs to be given a little time for the plows to get out, etc. But nowadays it seems like if it's even potentially a little slippery out there, CANCELLED is the word of the day. Jeez people...are we really that lame?

I blame the schools. It's all about the buses. Everyone seems to follow in behind whatever the schools decide. This seems like a very slippery slope indeed. Ha? get it? If we follow the uber-err- on- the- side- of- caution attitude the schools take on matters we are truly going to be sliding down the slope of competence to the stinking bottom heap of inadequate, lame woosies. I personally feel we are close to the bottom already. I heard something on one of the morning talk shows earlier this week that is kind of on the same subject. Some lady was saying that in her daughter's class there were 4 girls with the same name. The school decided to put the one girl in a different class where no one else had that name so she would feel special. What?! What if she's not special? What if she needs to develop skills or a personality that makes her rise above and be special? What did they do back in the day when everyone was named John or Tom? I know!.....John and Tom developed traits that distinguished them from the others. Or they made up nicknames. Good grief, people...a little imagination goes a long way!

I know that I have been remiss at writing on this blog for a long time. I sincerely apologize to both of you (Hi Jeff, Hi Mom!) And it seems rather crass of me to start back up with a complaint. Well.....let's blame the weather! A) I have more time stuck inside and therefore more time to ramble on and B) the weather is making me cranky.

So, this in and of itself is my solution. When life gets you down sometimes you just gotta purge it off your chest! Done.