Sunday, August 7, 2011

Whiskey Tango

You know who we should thank for keeping our environment beautiful? Our white trash brothers and sisters, that's who. I'm not talking about the tweekers and the meth makers kind of white trash, they are certainly not good for our environment seeing as how they leave a very toxic footprint indeed. I'm talking about the regular ol' working people, who around here, happen to be white. We affectionately call them white trash, or, if you prefer the code is "Whiskey Tango." This group just doesn't get proper credit for their contribution...and that contribution being that they don't overuse. Let me illustrate: They conserve water by having only one shower head in the shower (rich people have like 4), they don't have swimming pools that take thousands of gallons of water; they use a little plastic pool to stick their feet in and this usually pulls double duty 'cause the dog drinks out of it too. They don't water their lawns very much, and, if they are really hot they go to the lake. They don't use much electricity either. They don't have air conditioners, they have ceiling fans and in the evening when it cools off they sit outside. They don't have garage door openers, they park on the lawn. They don't put their beer in the fridge, they put it in a cooler with ice and set it next to them. And they certainly do not under any circumstances have a hybrid that they have to plug in! As for fuel? Well, who do you think goes up to the woods and picks up all the fallen trees for firewood, thus decreasing our fuels for forest fires? During the winter they are not heating their homes to 80 degrees...they are sitting on their couches in a Snuggy (a true value in itself!) In all probability, they probably aren't using up much gas since they can't afford to fill their tanks. And who do you think is responsible for taking back all the beer and pop cans for 5 cents a can? Or if they aren't doing it themselves they are selflessly leaving them where the homeless can find them. WT's have a way of re-using lots of items...which is a less fancy way of recycling. The best part is that they are not doing these things so they can be in the exclusive club of "friends of the earth" or "enviros"...they are doing it to save money. Oh, and because they have common sense.

Now before you get all uppity that I have used this label, please understand that I am including myself in this category. I suppose white trash used to refer to a certain unsavory element....but's just a phrase for the working class....again the light colored ones. There are other groups of folks that contribute just as much, but I'm not talking about them today. So next time you are enjoying the beautiful outdoors, thank a Whiskey Tango....because their thrift is helping us all. Sadly, however, they will never be recognized for it 'cause we ain't cool. Well, I'm recognizing you today, you unsung heroes!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keep on keppin' on!

Remember that old saying? That was from the 60's or 70's....a long, long time ago. It's a good reminder to us all to not get stuck where we gots to keep goin'! Of course, a lot of what I do everyday is helping people release the little places in their bodies that are stuck due to adhesions and scar tissue and also helping bodies move their stagnant energy. It's easy enough to go to a massage therapist or an acupuncturist, or whoever, to have them unstick your stuck places..but the hardest thing to do is move out of our emotional ruts.

Much like my computer this morning that informed me it was still "shutting down" from when I turned it off last night. Taking 8 hours to shut down is definitely a problem. (Note to computer: and if you don't shape up you will find yourself sailing out the back door in a very not gentle manner. I've done it before. Fair warning.) Or like our government's fight over this debt ceiling thing....enough already. MOVE ON. We have all been in a place that seems impossible to move from. We keep putting off that first step. It's scary. But taking that first step away from whatever is threatening to hold us down forever can be the best thing for our physical health. I have had many clients who will report that as soon as they made a decision to change something in their life, their physical pains went away.

To me, the most courageous people are those that do the hard thing. The ones who don't let anything keep them down for long. Of course, when something tragic happens there is that instinct to hunker down and lay low. You need to protect yourself for a while and that nurtures you in a way. The most basic thing we humans need it to feel safe. But the brave ones know that they have to move from that safety, even if it scares them. And they do.

For some, to walk out the door creates panic. For others panic doesn't come until they are jumping off a cliff with a parachute strapped to their back. It doesn't matter what scares you, it's that you do it anyway. It is a fact that when you do anything that scares you, even a little, it makes you happier. There's a reason for that. It all has to do with vibration. Everything is energy, right? Some things lower your vibration and some things raise your vibration. We have to do something everyday to raise our vibration. It can be as simple as going for a walk, or petting a dog, or riding a motorcycle or laughing. The vibration will unstick where we are stuck...that is a fact.

To feel scared is normal. To do it anyway is brave. But my advice is don't start base-jumping....'cause that's just stupid!